When it comes to taking a loan from a bank or lender, most of the people are not sure about their decision, because it is a difficult and often risky thing. In addition, when it comes to Auto Title Loan Company then taking the decision is even more difficult.

There are number of things that are different in auto title loan than traditional loan options. Like, the loan length and loan rates. When you apply for traditional loan, you usually have years of time to pay back the loan amount, but in case of Florence car title loan, you have a few days or maximum 24 months time to pay back the amount. Similarly, the interest rate in case of later is very high. Usually, lenders charge 25% monthly. So, if your loan length is 12 months then it will be 300% annually.

In addition, if you fail to pay back the amount the vehicle becomes subject to repossession. This means lender can repossess your car and use it to recover the amount. But, this type of risk is even bigger in case of traditional loans. Moreover, by finding the best title loan company, you can cut down the risk to a greater percentage. How? By ensuring that they are reputed and trusted and there are no hidden terms and conditions or charges. Therefore, you must emphasize on finding a reputed and trusted loan company to ensure a great and trouble free experience. To know more about Auto Title Loan Company contact us with below details.

1st Capital Title Loans

Mon-Fri: 9AM – 6PM & Sat: 9AM – 1PM

Phone: 8039802274


Loans subject to our most liberal credit policies which may change from time to time without notice.